Sunday, April 27, 2008

My dirty underwear

"It's interesting, but... I wouldn't have thought a 27 year old would be so angsty."

- my sister-in-law, a couple of days ago, with regards to my blog.

Once, I wore a single pair of underpants for a whole week.

I'm not completely sure why. It's a bit hazy. It might've been on a school camp that I'd under-packed for. It might've been during a week when I forgot to do the laundry, and when it was too wet and too dark to do during work nights. It even might have been something as simple as finding a good pair of jocks that really, really fit, and not wanting to surrender them to the hamper.

I'm starting to think that I've done it more than once.

Anyway, I've been thinking it over, and my sister-in-law's right. I do whinge too much. Like dirty underwear, angst can be comforting once you wear them in and get used to the urine stains, but it's hardly healthy. Sometimes, it's better to throw away those crusty jocks and just get a fresh pair from the cupboard.

I'm going to stop whining about Arsenal. For a day or so. Until we play Derby.

P.S. Oh, and I just found out there's a blog called "Another Arsenal Blog". I've changed my name accordingly. How fucking embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

I think your sister in law is quite wise.

Far be it for me to encourage blogging at work, but why don't you strip the profanities and get the blog on read more? It might be nice if someone responded intelligently to your observations rather than your brother and sister in law, who are not football fans.

I think Babar would be nice.

WEG said...

What's read more?

I was thinking something dignified - Horatio perhaps, or maybe Archimedes. Or Pierre.